邓洪平 青年研究员







焦中药活性组分与免疫佐剂在肿瘤免疫调节中的作用与机制,以肿瘤细胞和APC细胞为靶标,研发用于筛选具有免疫调节功能的中药活性组分的新技术与新方法,重点开发中西结合的创新纳米药物和纳米制剂,以实现肿瘤安全、有效治疗。先后在ACS Nano3 篇)、Biomaterials2 篇)、The Innovation、JACS、Angew、ACS Appl Mater Inter等高水平期刊发表SCI 论文40 余篇,引用上千次,授权一项发明专利。担任Adv Funct Mater、Biomaterials、Pytomedicine、ACS Appl Nano MaterFood & FunctionPharmaceuticsSCI期刊的特邀审稿人。

            非常欢迎有志科研、对上述研究方向具有浓厚兴趣的本科和研究生同学共同奋斗!(Students who are interested in nanomedicine are very welcome.)




博士/硕士(PhD & Master candidates)



2007.9-2011.7    上海交通大学(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)             学士

2011.9-2016.6    上海交通大学(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)              博士

2017.1-2021.4    美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)    博士后研究员

2021.5-至今        上海中医药大学交叉科学研究院  (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)      特聘研究员


1、智能纳米药物及靶向纳米制剂的研发与肿瘤治疗(Smart and targeted nanodrugs for tumor therapy)

2、巨噬细胞靶向纳米药物及造影剂的研发及生物应用(Macrophage targeting nanodrugs and nanoagents for bioapplications)















28. Ju J, Xu D, Xu Li, Liu J, Zeng H, Zhao B, Xiong Y, Ma Y, Ge G, Deng H. Polysaccharide nanoadjuvants with precise drug composition for enhanced STIGN-mediated APC activation. European Polymer Journal 2024, 217, 113333. (通讯作者,IF 5.8 Q1)

27. Yin C, Zhu Y, Lv Y, Deng H, Liu B. The potential of engineered multifunctional quantum dots for macrophage theranostics. The Innovation 2023, 4, 100492. (通讯作者, IF 32.1)

26. Ju J, Xu D, Mo X, Miao J, Xu L, Ge G, Zhu X, Deng H. Multifunctional polysaccharide nanoprobes for biological imaging. Carbohydrate Polymers 2023, 317, 121048. (通讯作者,IF 10.723)

25. Xu L, Deng H, Wu L, Wang D, Shi L, Qian Q, Huang X, Zhu L, Gao X, Yang J, Su Y, Feng J, Zhu X. Supramolecular cyclic dinucleotide nanoparticles for STING-mediated cancer immunotherapy. ACS Nano 2023, 17, 10090-10103. (共同一作,IF 18.03)

24. Deng H, Konopka CJ, Prabhu S, Sarkar S, Medina NG, Fayyaz M, Arogundade OH, Gamage HEV, Shahoei SH, Nall D, Youn Y, Dobrucka IT, Audu CO, Joshi A, Melvin WJ, Gallagher KA, Selvin PR, Nelson ER, Dobrucki LW; Swanson KS, Smith AM. Dextran-mimetic quantum dots for multimodal macrophage imaging in vivo, ex vivo, and in situ. ACS Nano 2022, 16, 1999-2012. (IF 18.03)

23. Deng H, Konopka CJ, Cross TWL, Swanson KS, Dobrucki LW, Smith AM. Multimodal nanocarrier probes reveal superior biodistribution quantification by isotopic analysis over fluorescence. ACS Nano 2020, 14, 1, 509-523. (IF 18.03)

22. Deng H, Xu L, Ju J, Mo X, Ge G, Zhu X. Multifunctional nanoprobes for macrophage imaging. Biomaterials 2022, 290, 121824. (IF 15.3)

21. Yu J, Deng H, Xie F, Chen W, Zhu B, Xu Q. The potential of pH-responsive PEG-hyperbranched polyacylhydrazone micelles for cancer therapy. Biomaterials 2014, 35, 3132-3144. (共同一作, IF 15.3)

20. Zhang Z, Shi L, Wu C, Su Y, Qian J, Deng H, Zhu X. Construction of a supramolecular drug-drug delivery system for non-small-cell lung cancer therapy. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2017, 9, 29505-29514. (共同通讯, IF 10.38)

19. Zhuang Y, Wang D, Yin C, Deng H, Sun M, He L, Su Y, Zhu X. Tracing drug release process with dual-modal hyperbrached polymer-gold nanoparticle complexes. Sci. China Chem. 2016, 59, 1600-1608. (共同通讯,IF 10.152)

18. Deng H, Zhu, X. Emission enhancement and application of synthetic green fluorescent protein chromophore analogs. Mater. Chem. Front. 2017, 1, 619-629. (IF 8.683)

17. Deng H, Yu C, Gong L, Zhu X. Self-restricted green fluorescent protein chromophore analogs: dramatic emission enhancement and remarkable solvatofluorochromism. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7, 2935-2944. (IF 6.88)

16. Fan W, Deng H, Zhu L, Tu C, Su Y, Shi L, Yang J, Zhou L, Zhu X. Site-dependent fluorescence enhanced polymers with a self-restricted GFP chromophore for living cell imaging. Biomater. Sci. 2019, 7, 2421-2429. (共同通讯, IF 7.59)

15. Zhao Y, Wu Y, Chen S, Deng H, Zhu X. Building single-color AIE-active reversible micelles to interpret temperature and pH stimuli in both solutions and cells. Macromolecules 2018, 51, 5234-5244. (共同通讯, IF 6.057)

14. Deng H, Su Y, Hu M, Jin X, He L, Pang Y, Dong R, Zhu X. Multicolor fluorescent polymers inspired from green fluorescent protein. Macromolecules 2015, 48, 5969-5979. (IF 6.057)

13. Deng H, Zhang Z, Zhao Y, Yu C, Gong L, Yan D, Zhu X. Self-restricted oxazolone GFP chromophore for construction of reaction-based fluorescent probe toward dopamine, Mater. Today Chem. 2017, 3, 73-81. (IF 7.613)

12. Deng H, Zhu Q, Wang D, Tu C, Zhu B, ZhuX. GFP-inspired fluorescent polymer. Polym. Chem. 2012, 3, 1975-1977. (IF 5.582)

11. Deng H, Zhu B, Song L, Tu C, Qiu F, Shi Y, Wang D, Zhu L, Zhu X. Effect of branching architecture on the optical properties of polyazomethines. Polym. Chem. 2012, 3, 421-428. (IF 5.582)

10. Zeng H, Zhao B, Zhang D, Rui X, Hou X, Chen X, Zhang B, Yuan Y, Deng H, Ge G. Viola yedoensis Makino formula alleviates DNCB-induced atopic dermatitis by activating JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway and promoting M2 macrophages polarization. Phytomedicine 2022, 103, 154228. (共同通讯, IF 6.656)

9. Liu Y, Jin J, Deng H, Li K, Zheng Y, Yu C, Zhou Y. Protein framed multi-porphyrin micelles for natural-artificial hybrid light harvesting nanosystem. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016, 128, 1-7. (IF 16.82)

8. Wang D, Liu B, Ma Y, Wu C, Mou Q, Deng H, Wang R, Yan D, Zhang C, Zhu X. A molecular recognition approach to synthesize nucleoside analogue based multifunctional nanoparticles for targeted cancer therapy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 14021-14024. (IF 16.83)

7. Shi L, Gao X, Yuan W, Xu L, Deng H, Wu C, Yang J, Jin X, Zhang C, Zhu X. Endoplasmic reticulum-targeted fluorescent nanodot with large stokes shift for vesicular transport monitoring and long-term bioimaging. Small 2018, 14, 1800223. (IF 15.15)

6. Prabhu S, Deng H, Cross TW, Shahoei SH, Konopka CJ, Medina NG, Applegate CC, Wallig MA, Dobrucki LW, Nelson ER, Smith AM, Swanson KS. Nanocarriers targeting adipose macrophages increase glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory potency to ameliorate metabolic dysfunction. Biomater. Sci. 2021, 9, 506-518. (IF 7.59)

5. Zhuang Y, Deng H, Su Y, He L, Wang R, Tong G, He D, Zhu X. Aptamer-functionalized and backbone redox-responsive hyperbranched polymer for targeted drug delivery in cancer therapy. Biomacromolecules 2016, 17, 2050-2062. (IF 6.978)

4. Zhuang Y, Su Y, Peng Y, Wang D, Deng H, Xi X, Zhu X, Lu Y. Facile fabrication of redox-responsive thiol-containing drug delivery system via RAFT polymerization. Biomacromolecules 2014, 15, 1408-1418. (IF 6.978)

3. Sun P, Chen D, Deng H, Wang N, Huang P, Jin X, Zhu X. Bottom-up construction of multi-polyprodrug-arm hyperbranched amphiphiles for cancer therapy. Biocong. Chem. 2017, 28, 1470-1480. (IF 6.069)

2. Zheng Y, Li G, Deng H, Su Y, Zhu X. Temperature-induced fluorescence enhancement of GFP chromophore containing copolymers for detection of Bacillus thermophilus. Polym. Chem. 2014, 5, 2521-2529. (IF 5.582)

1. Xu L, Ren N, Pang J, Deng H, Zhu X, Sun M, Yan D. Fluorescent and breathable CO2 responsive vesicles inspired from green fluorescent protein. Polym. Chem. 2017, 8, 6283-6288. (IF 5.582)

指导及带教学生获奖(Students Awards)

1. 徐丹妮,2022级硕士,获得2024年度国家奖学金。